Packs by SonArte



by SonArte

Arsenal brings you the surprisingly rich and musical sounds of an array of metal objects. Chosen for their unique sonic qualities, a selection of pipes, tubes and blades have been played with bows, sticks, hands and mouth, to capture and extract their inherent musical essence.

Original price USDĀ 89now USDĀ 71


Crystal Sounds

by SonArte

The Crystal Sounds collection is composed of two main instruments: a Cristal Baschet--a "sonorous sculpture" with a truly unique and haunting timbre, and a large variety of crystal glasses.

Original price USDĀ 89now USDĀ 71


Sound Objects

by SonArte

Sound Objects is a unique collection of sampled objects typically found in a hardware store, including saw blades, joist hangers, ABS and metal plumbing pipes, ceramic tiles, metal sheets, gardening forks, ground plates, metal rods, electrical boxes and the like.

Original price USDĀ 89now USDĀ 71


Sound Objects Lite

by SonArte

Sound Objects Lite is a collection of sampled percussive and bowed objects chosen for their complex and unusual harmonics.

You need Live 9 Standard or above.


Tubular Bells

by SonArte

The tubular bells sampled in this collection are from an 18 note vintage Leedy & Ludwig instrument (C4-F5) from the beginning of the 20th century, remarkable for the purity and clarity of its sounds and for the exceptional duration of its sustained notes.

Original price USDĀ 59now USDĀ 47